More of the same for those who only watch. But for those who live it, there is news every day! Like arriving "home" and see this blacksmith with such beautiful shiny rust colors.
And see how the potato plants already have flower and are almost ready to harvest.
It is also wonderful to watch the woodpecker. Breathtaking.
IT comes to visit us every day and it barely knows that is already famous and that the Internet is his world, eh eh.
With the mirror wall also lined with the same floral paper, our beauty gets another life and invites you to linger. But the outside is so appealing, the land calls us all the time and there is always immense chores outside.
Like milling the land.
Look at me me grabbing the cultivator as I were my farmer baker boy. I lack experience no doubt, but I will get there some day, I'm sure. You will not miss me and it's so good to learn to do a bit of everything.
Still time to admire the work of nature together with the work of man. We took a hollow olive tree trunk, put it between two oaks that will press the trunk and give it more stability as they grow. And then it's time to watch the flowers grow and give color and life.
Also time to watch the kids playing, inventing games and activities whose imagination surpasses any fiction film.
It is so good to see them grow in friendship.
But night falls. Today we stay until late. The night is quiet and the fireflies come visit us, filling the air with little fairy lights.
This was the best picuture I could take. I tried other ways to get a good shot but the truth is that it's much more funny to watch life in action than "wasting" time trying to fix it within a camera. Because emotions only live once.
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