Sunday, 17 May 2015

Memories from the last late summer

I believe it when they say that the hardest thing is not to start something but to keep it going on. The truth is that, also in this case, the beginning was very difficult. But we persevered and it was good to know what we wanted not to dishearten with all bureaucracies, impediments and work that had appeared in front of us. And it was in the middle of all this that I took these pictures. I've always loved to register moments and eternalize them with the camera. But in this situation this love assumes an even more important role: to maintain the focus and the spirit. So I never miss this ability of being enchanted like a child before nature. So that when the work will be routine and weariness, I can always be thankful for thorns, which were used by our grandmothers to curdle milk and make cheese. So I never lose this sense of enjoyment before what nature gives us for various purposes, like these sweet berries to make jams and liqueurs or to freeze to making desserts throughout the year. So I never miss the ecstasy that causes me a sky on fire when saying goodbye to the day and opening his arms to the night. When all becomes work and weariness, all this and more is the driving force that makes it all worthwhile!

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