Thursday, 12 June 2014

Sighing for Spring

We all sighed for the Spring to come by the end of March. Suddenly it came in the form of an almost Summer but it was for a short time because Winter returned quickly again leaving us with the sweet memories of nice sunny days. Happy days those when we joined together playing and working near the caravan with my little boy participating in everything.

He participated in all the small planting work, collecting water and burning twigs with full commitment and joy, making me remember my own childhood when I loved to help my parents in the labors of the field.

It was this way that I grew up - between the countryside and the town. And I love that my little boy lives this experience as well learning from both worlds the best he can in order to become a special human being in values and attitudes.

A dirty but happy child entranced by the power of the fire, committed to help loading the cut branches of the trees to the fire. I always heard that the child's work may be rather but those who don't take it are insane. I could see that on that evening since my child gave us his precious help, heager to return on the next day and keep working.

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