Sunday 26 April 2015


I always find it interesting to think about the things of life...
I grew up with ecological awareness. I remember doing the sorting of waste in adolescence and sensitize my mother and those around me to the issues of preservation of the planet. Considerations aside, the truth is that I believe we should all do our best concerning the environment subject. Because it is worth looking around us and see cleanliness and health.

Today my conscience goes to water. How many times have we heard that, in our modern times, we often take for granted the act of turning the lights on and opening the tap. Now here is a question I often treasure, treasure by being grateful for this practical aspect of modern life and by trying not to waste water through so many tips to do so that are given to us. But the truth is that it is different to be aware of this issue and live the situation.

 We are facing now what we anticipated would happen coming dry weather: the lack of water. The brook near us dried up as well as our water source despite the strategies to store it. The truth is that plants need water to survive and we are responsible to continue what we started. As long as we can. For now, we try to find out where there is public water sources that allow us to fill our containers and water our garden. So we've gone to the fountains existing in the hill and in the village, fullfill our buckets and transport them in our car to fullfill the containers in the garden.

In all this process it is interesting to see how much we value the water in a much stronger way now, despite never having been wasteful in our homes. Now, every drop is precious and we are grateful for each drop of rain that falls. Each one is good because it means less dependence on trips to the fountain. The care we have with water reminds us our awareness of saving it and the real value it has for us and our survival. And it forces us to another rhythm, a more steady rhythm without hurry because this come and go from the fountain takes us hours a day, hours which could be used in the cofé, at the computer, at work, out with friends, etc. Of course everything is necessary but this work gives us the conscious that it's not worth to be stressed to get or do things that are often not necessary, and gives us the ability to live every minute and realize that every moment of life is to be lived and enjoyed the best way. And the best way is a restful way, pacified and given by Who cares for us and Knows what we need, because ultimately also the birds and the lilies of the field have everything.

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